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Collection: South Sea Pearls 南洋珍珠

南洋珍珠最有名的是光澤柔美神秘,色澤主要是白色及金色。白色的珍珠大多銀光帶彩,金色的珍珠充滿貴氣而且色澤濃郁帶巧克力的感覺,尺寸最小由8mm起。而產地有幾個,包括印尼、菲律賓以及澳洲,當中以澳洲的白蝶貝價值最高,蚌尺寸亦較大,最小的都已經是10mm。需要最少2年以上的養殖期,珍珠層較厚,是日本Akoya海水珍珠的60倍以上♥️所以光澤和色澤都是非一般的美!! 除了白色珍珠以外,也有無比矜貴的金珠。

South sea pearls (SSP) are exceptionally quality pearls and are famous for her mysterious luster. There are mainly two colours: white and gold. SSP White are whitish with a silver undertones; SSP Gold have an intense golden glow which gives a glamorous look. The smallest starts with 8mm and these are mainly come from Indonesia and Philippines. The Australian SSP are considered the most valuable. With a larger oyster shell, the smallest pearl are sized at 10mm. It takes at least 2 years to be cultured so the nacre is rather thick i.e. about 60 times thicker than Akoya Pearls! Besides white pearls, the SSP Gold pearls are exceptionally precious.