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話明係節日款式,又點少得聖誕花圈款?今次特登挑選一個帶方形低調款,重點係玫瑰色非常出眾!!! #黑色岩型CoolLook #幻彩超開心閃爍
  • Swarovski 水晶及仿珍珠
  • 幻彩 / 玫瑰粉 / 黑閃
  • 925純銀防敏耳針
  • 韓國製造
  • 整體直徑約14mm


  • Swarovski crystals and imitation pearls
  • Halo / Rose / Black
  • 925 Sterling silver studs
  • Handmade in Korea 
  • Diameter is around 14mm




- 避免沖涼/游水時戴
- 避免陽光長期直接照射
- 避免接觸化學物質如香水,頭髮產品
- 唔戴時盡量擺入小膠袋(潮濕時)或絨袋(非潮濕時)內
- 平時戴完後可以用絨布抹一抹
- 飾物最緊要係戴多D,比佢透下新鮮空氣

- Avoid wearing them in shower / pool. 
Avoid direct sunlight for a long period of time.
- Avoid chemicals such as perfume, hair products.
- Keep it in plastic bag (when it’s super humid) or velvet pouch (less humid) when you don’t wear for awhile.
- Gently wipe pearl with a soft / velvet cloth.
- Wear more!!! 
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