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D o r i s

D o r i s

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由於需要使用不同大小的珍珠,而且每顆珍珠的色光澤都不同,需要配對出光澤拌彩相同,再從大到小漸變排列,大小要均勻,需要花上很長時間才能完成一雙。每一雙都是設計師的心血♥️ 說真的,剛開始會猶豫和害怕款或太誇張,但上耳後顯得頸線條極長! 這樣就夠了:p
  • 3 - 8mm 天然淡水橢圓形珍珠 
  • 珍珠光澤感強
  • 14K包金高度防敏耳鈎
  • 耳鈎長15mm; 耳環總長50mm
  • 純手工製造


Most of the Drop-shaped earrings are made on top of a frame while Doris uses pearls to create a shape. It might sound simple while actually it does take time. Each pearl has its own luster and colour tone, designer has to pair and line them up in ascending orders to create a beautiful drop shape. Because of the beautiful curves, it extend the neckline naturally!! I'll call her a statement jewelry, a piece of art.

  • 3 - 8mm Freshwater oval pearls 
  • Nice luster
  • 14K Gold filled hook, suitable for sensitive ears
  • Ear hook is around 15mm and the full length is 50mm
  • Handmade with love



- 珍珠是全天然,即使係人工養殖的珍珠,每顆珍珠的光澤、色澤、形狀都會有不同
- 避免沖涼/游水時戴,因水入面的氯氣會影響珍珠光澤
- 避免陽光長期直接照射
- 避免接觸化學物質如香水,頭髮產品
- 唔戴時盡量擺入小膠袋(潮濕時)或絨袋(非潮濕時)內
- 平時戴完後可以用絨布抹一抹
- 珍珠頸鏈最好平放,以防愈掛愈鬆
- 飾物最緊要係戴多D,比佢透下新鮮空氣

- All pearls products are naturally grown, including cultured pearls so it is normal that each pearl carries a different level of sheen, colour or shape.
- Avoid wearing them in shower / pool. The chlorine in water will affect pearl shine.
Avoid direct sunlight for a long period of time.
- Avoid chemicals such as perfume, hair products.
- Keep it in plastic bag (when it’s super humid) or velvet pouch (less humid) when you don’t wear for awhile.
- Gently wipe pearl with a soft / velvet cloth.
- Avoid hanging your pearl necklace on a hook which will stretch out the necklace
- Wear more!!! Pearl needs fresh air!
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