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コレクション: T a h i t i 大溪地黑珍珠

來自法屬波利西亞的大溪地,珍珠生長在黑蝶貝內,完成生長一顆黑珍珠一般長達24個月以上。尺寸一般在 8 - 14mm 之間,有小部份的超過16, 17mm,非常珍貴。形狀也比較多變,有圓形、橢圓形、水滴形、巴洛克 (又稱異形珍珠)。豐富的顏色可算是珍珠之冠,一般大家常見及認識的有孔雀綠色、黑或灰色,同時也有橄欖綠、銅金色、藍銅色。每一顆都是獨一無二!

Tahitian pearls are formed from the black lip oyster and are native to the French Polynesian area. Tahitian pearls will take at least 24 months to complete a cycle and its size is between 8 - 14mm in general. A rare portion of them will grow to 16 - 17mm. With a variety of shapes including Round, Oval, Drop and Baroque, it can be adapted in different designs. These pearls portray an incredible array of iridescent colours ranging from Peacock Green, Black, Grey, Olive, Bronze, Bronze with Blue undertones. Each piece is unique!