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H e e l s
H e e l s
H e e l s
H e e l s
H e e l s
H e e l s
H e e l s
H e e l s
H e e l s
H e e l s
H e e l s
H e e l s
H e e l s

H e e l s

レギュラー価格 $26 単価  あたり 

H e e l s 仲可以訂造圓形淡水珍珠啊! 圓形珍珠上耳會比較立體,睇落會比較典雅一啲。而饅頭珍珠就比較輕鬆 Casual,如果鍾意大粒珍珠嘅美女們,就可以選擇饅頭珍珠♥️H e e l s 非常適合想找有款式,但又不想耳環一直在動的,選這款就是了! 非常DECENT,優雅的款式。
  • 8.5mm / 10mm 天然淡水饅頭珍珠
  • 8mm  天然淡水圓形珍珠
  • 925純銀防敏耳鈎
  • 白色 / 紫色珍珠
  • 紫色珍珠是全天然的,色澤每雙都不一樣

Round pearls are now available for Heels design. Pearls in round shaped creates a more decent and elegant look. If you prefer larger pearls, go for button shaped!

If you are looking for something with styles but you are getting bored from studs and don't want anything dangling? Heels it is! It's decently hanging right under the ear and create a decent elegant look. 
  • 8.5mm / 10mm Freshwater Button Pearls
  • 8mm Freshwater Round Pearls
  • 925 Sterling silver hook
  • White / Purple Pearls
  • Natural pearls has a range of colour from pink to purple. Every pair is different




- 珍珠是全天然,即使係人工養殖的珍珠,每顆珍珠的光澤、色澤、形狀都會有不同
- 避免沖涼/游水時戴,因水入面的氯氣會影響珍珠光澤
- 避免陽光長期直接照射
- 避免接觸化學物質如香水,頭髮產品
- 唔戴時盡量擺入小膠袋(潮濕時)或絨袋(非潮濕時)內
- 平時戴完後可以用絨布抹一抹
- 珍珠頸鏈最好平放,以防愈掛愈鬆
- 飾物最緊要係戴多D,比佢透下新鮮空氣

- All pearls products are naturally grown, including cultured pearls so it is normal that each pearl carries a different level of sheen, colour or shape.
- Avoid wearing them in shower / pool. The chlorine in water will affect pearl shine.
Avoid direct sunlight for a long period of time.
- Avoid chemicals such as perfume, hair products.
- Keep it in plastic bag (when it’s super humid) or velvet pouch (less humid) when you don’t wear for awhile.
- Gently wipe pearl with a soft / velvet cloth.
- Avoid hanging your pearl necklace on a hook which will stretch out the necklace
- Wear more!!! Pearl needs fresh air!
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