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Collection: Mabe 馬貝珍珠


想揾日本珍珠但要大過9mm? 馬貝珍珠幫到您! 依附係貝殼上生長,馬貝珍珠擁有Akoya極強光澤之餘,尺寸至少超過10mm。幾千個珍珠蚌當中會揾到 1 - 2 粒光澤夠強同色澤夠彩,這就是馬貝珍珠罕有既程度。 比起日本珍珠當中既幻彩彩虹光更彩、更光、更亮,非常難得。 


Mabe pearl are known as half-pearls or blister pearls. They are made by glueing several hemispherical plastic beads to the inside of pearl oyster shells.

Are you looking for over 9mm sized Akoya saltwater pearls from Japan? Go for Mabe! Growing along the shells, Mabe pearls offer the beautiful lustre of Akoya while in a much larger size with a minimum of 10mm. If you are after Mabe pearl in strong lustre and great colour intensity, there's only one out of few thousands clams. That's how rare it is! Compared to ordinary Akoya pearls, Mabe pearls offer a more intense aurora sheen and lustrous level. 

Colour wise, there are white with aurora sheen or silvery sheen and blue aurora.