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Kategorie: JAPANESE AKOYA 日本海水珍珠

Akoya 最有名的是珍珠的光澤,很多人形容像小燈泡,配戴起來也讓臉色更精神,更年輕! 珍珠主要在馬氏貝生長,蚌的體積比較小,每隻母貝只能生產幾顆甚至只有一顆珍珠。養殖出來的珍珠尺寸從 2mm 到 9mm 左右,9mm以上比較稀有,非常值得收藏。珍珠主要是白色,最有名的是帶粉紅或幻彩色的伴色。另外,也有香檳金色及銀藍色。

They are the most lustrous of all pearls found anywhere in the world. Some described her as a tiny light bulb. It gives an instant glow and young look once your put it on. Since the clam size is rather small, only few or even one pearl can be grown in each clam. The pearl size is also limited to 2 - 9mm. 9mm Pearls are quite limited, worth the collection! The Akoya pearl is mainly white with a hint of pink or halo tone. Other than these, there is also Champagne and Greyish Blue.